Home Styling | Elevate Your Living Space

House Styling

Today we’re diving into the captivating world of home styling. From understanding the difference between styling and decorating to exploring apps like Homestyler, we’re unraveling the secrets to creating a space that’s as functional as it is fabulous. So, grab a cup of coffee and let’s get started!

What is Home Styling, Anyway?

Home styling is the art of transforming your living space into a personalized haven that reflects your personality, lifestyle, and design sensibilities. It’s not just about arranging furniture and throwing in some decorative pieces. Nope, it’s about crafting an environment that tells your story and exudes that “you” vibe the moment someone walks in the door.

How Can You Amp Up Your Styling Game?

¤ Discover Your Signature Style: First things first, you’ve got to know what you love. Do you swoon over sleek minimalism or cozy Bohemian vibes? Dive into design magazines, Pinterest boards, and Instagram accounts that align with your taste.

¤ Declutter Like a Pro: Before you go all creative on your space, start by decluttering. Clutter is the archenemy of good styling. Sort through your belongings and keep only the things that bring joy, function, or both.

¤ Color Palette Power: Selecting the right color palette is like picking out the perfect outfit – it sets the mood! Choose a base color and a couple of accent hues that make your heart skip a beat. This palette will guide your furniture, decor, and accessories choices. If you want to know more about color and principles of design, you can check my Skillshare class, there is 1 month free for my subscribers, cancel anytime.

¤Furniture Placement: Pay attention to your room’s natural focal points, like windows or a fireplace. Arrange your furniture in a way that encourages easy flow and conversation. Just imagine your room as a stage for your life’s greatest moments. Try not to make the TV your focal point!

¤ Texture and Layers: Introduce textures like cozy rugs, plush cushions, and tactile fabrics. Layering textures adds depth and dimension, making your space as visually engaging as it is tangible.

¤ Personal Touches: Time to sprinkle some “you” in there! Family photos, artwork you adore, and travel souvenirs are like style confetti. They add that unique touch that makes your space unmistakably yours. Check my Etsy shop for printable wall art.

¤ Let There Be Light: Lighting is the silent hero of styling. Play around with different types of lighting – ambient, task, and accent – to create a warm, inviting ambiance. A chandelier, floor lamps, and even some fairy lights can work wonders.Just remember to ALWAYS use 2.700K.

¤ Accessorize: Accessories are like the jewelry of your space. Rugs, throw pillows, vases, and art pieces – these little wonders tie everything together. But remember, less can be more. Don’t go overboard and overwhelm the room. Always leave room for the eye to rest.

¤ Keep It Dynamic: Home styling is a journey, not a destination. Embrace change and feel free to switch things up whenever the mood strikes. Maybe a new rug or a different arrangement could spark a whole new level of inspiration!

Styling vs. Decorating: What's the Scoop?

So, let’s address a common question – what is the difference between styling and decorating?

Home Styling is the big picture game. It’s about crafting a cohesive, functional, and aesthetically pleasing space through a combination of layout, furniture, decor, and personal elements. Styling involves weaving your lifestyle and taste into every nook and cranny.

Home Decorating on the other hand, is about adding decorative elements like colors, patterns, textiles, and accessories that align with your chosen style. Decorating breathes life and personality into your already-styled space.

Extra tip! how to plan and visualize your projects| Homestyler 3D app

At the studio we use AutoCAD, Sketchup and Vray to draw and render our projects. Besides being expensive tools, they have an important learning curve…researching for this blog post, I found and tested a fantastic application. It is really easy to use, and unlike other similar ones…the results are not only fast, but they also almost feel professional. You can even try AI! Just upload a photo of your space and select your preferred style. You can try it for free here. What sets this app apart from others is the following:

¤ Easy Peasy Floor Plans: Homestyler lets you sketch out your spaces effortlessly, Drag and drop walls, doors, windows, and voilà – you’ve got a floor plan!

¤ Quick 3D Models: Building a 3D model is not a straightforward process, but  Homestyler’s has a very intuitive interface that lets you craft 3D wonders with a few clicks.


¤ Furniture Layout : Say goodbye to moving heavy furniture around just to see if it fits. Homestyler lets you experiment with different furniture layouts virtually. Drag, drop, shuffle, repeat!

¤ Color Schemes and Visualizations: Ever wished you could see how your room would look with a splash of sage green or a touch of blush pink? Homestyler lets you experiment with colors and visualize different palettes.

¤ And last but not least, Homestyler doesn’t just stop at visuals; it takes them to the next level with its rendering tool. The results? Better than some professional renderings I’ve seen in my career.

If youre looking from more inspiration, check our home styling book selection

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Don’t forget to check our new class on Elements and Principles of Interior Design. Skillshare offers 2 months of Free unlimited access to my subscribers, no obligation, cancel at any time! Click here to start your free trial! 


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