From October 12 to 18. In Brera (Milan). A week of meetings, talks, exhibitions, and workshops with the key figures of Italian design to explore not only design trends, but the relationship of design with urban planning and mobility, graphic arts and visual communication, industry 4.0, and coding.Speakers come mainly from the world of design and architecture, but also technology, publishing, arts, music, and communication. Studiolabo organizes the Brera Design Days with the idea of triggering a dialogue not only amongst insiders but also between Milan citizens.

In this third edition, the central theme of the Brera Design Days will be the model for the enhancement of the creative process – Design thinking- theorized by Stanford University professors Bill Burnett and Dave Evans. According to their research, design thinking can help us create a life that is both significant and satisfying, regardless of our age, who or where we are, or what we do for a living. Doesn’t it sound wonderful? You can start by reading their book: Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life. As mentioned, other relevant topics will be coding, service design, and urban planning– design as a means to increase the well- being of citizens through new technologies, mobility, and efficient energy use–.
The entrance is free, so if you happen to be in Milan, don’t miss the occasion of a sneak preview of the future of design. Besides, Brera in autumn is just magnificent!