MESURA is an architecture and design studio based in Barcelona led by five partners: Jaime Font, Carlos Dimas, Marcos Parera, Benjamín Iborra, and Jordi Espinet. They all studied at the same university -Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura de La Salle – but it was the college football team that united their professional future . The studio is a big family formed by designers, architects, creative directors, and technical engineers. It is their human capital and the exchange of ideas that goes with it, which gives the project its strength.
Its ethos is based on the firm’s belief of the role of architecture as an engine to create environments that allow a better life, generating a positive impact on local communities—creating experiences tailored to their inhabitants. With a timeless architecture, detached from trends, MESURA perfectly represents the spirit of young architecture.
With a sober style, marked by the in-depth analysis and discussion behind each idea, MESURA is the antithesis of the star architect’s concept. It is a young, multidisciplinary studio that sees changes as a great opportunity. And with a clear objective: to generate Happiness. They are -way – ahead of the curve.
When you were little, you dreamed of becoming…
A godlike architect. Then we started working and learned being an architect isn’t about designing from ego or desires but to take into account all factors (client, user, site, local culture etc.) and still being able to create something that moves people.
A material, a color, a shape…
Impossible to say. Each material has different properties. Our goal is to understand the material so we can apply them into a construction that makes sense with the context (local construction tradition), its use; budget; and searching new ways to apply it. We like to explore new materials for every project and its particular circumstances.
A dream project…
We believe architecture can transform people’s everyday experiences. Any project that can make a positive social impact is a dream project.
An unforgettable trip…
Our trip to Unterhus, visiting Peter Zumthor’s work in the area (from his atelier to Termas de Vals).

An architect, a designer, an artist…
Antoni Tapies for his philosophy (Recommended book: Works, Writings, Interviews) | Eduardo Chillida for his ideas on essence and unity | Enzo Mari for his Autoprogettazione.
When you’re not working…
We’re not working. That’s usually when we get some perspective on what we’re doing.
If you had a superpower…
Time travel. We like to learn from the past.
If you were to start again…
We wouldn’t do things any other way. The past is what it is, and we like to have a positive mindset.
We are interested in exploring what lies ahead, the possibilities of the unknown
¤ A neighborhood to get lost…
-The neighborhood you live in. If the lockdown taught us anything it’s that we still have a lot of places and people to discover in our own neighbourhoods.
¤ An architectural work…
-The obvious answer: The Barcelona pavilion designed in 1929 by Mies van der Rohe. The more “local” answer: La Ricarda, by Antonio Bonet Castellana is a must.
¤ A place to eat…
¤A shop that every designer should know…
-We recently discovered a new place Brutus De Gaper, a 450-square meter warehouse in Poblenou (the old industrial area of Barcelona). They exhibit vintage mid-century furniture and antiques from northern Europe. Aside from actual stores, we like the local brands we grew up with like Santa&Cole and Mobles114.
¤ A secret spot…
-Plaça Sant Felip Neri at 11 at night.
We will soon be posting one of our favourite MESURA projects ! Subscribe if you want to receive our newsletter. Meanwhile meanwhile follow them
We will soon be posting one of our favourite projects! Subscribe if you want to receive our newsletter. Meanwhile meanwhile follow them