Best home workouts for women...and not only!
The closure of the gyms and the recommendation to stay home to contain the spread of Covid-19 has led to a flood of online consultations on how to continue to maintain an effective workout routine at home. In today’s post, we share the most effective way not to lose what you have achieved at the gym while the coronavirus lasts.#stayhome #stopthespread.
Increases anaerobic resistance. It involves the abdomen, back, chest, arms, and legs.
TIP: It is essential to keep your hips aligned with your body and to avoid bringing your knees and feet together when you do
the bending necessary to return to the starting position.


If you are a beginner, better with your knees on the ground. TIP: Remember to keep your hand distance at shoulder width.
The squat with jump is one of the most comprehensive exercises. It involves doing a squat and a jump while keeping your feet shoulder-width apart.
TIP. Do not bend your knees beyond 90 degrees and avoid bringing them together.

This exercise allows you to work on your core, strengthen your back, and improve your resistance and balance. Elevate your legs alternatively for extra work.
TIP. Keep tension on your abs, and do not spread your feet more than shoulder-width apart.

5.MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS. Starting in a plank, bend your knees alternately up to hip height. This exercise works to burn fat, strengthen muscles, and improve resistance.
6.SKIPPING. It is one of the most recommended cardio exercises to do in small spaces.
TIP watch your position and avoids leaning the trunk forward.

7.LUNGE. forward and backward. Perfect for working on the buttocks and quadriceps.
TIP. The knee bend should not exceed the tip of the foot.

8.SCISSORS. Lie on your back with your arms stretched along your sides, raise your legs a foot off the ground and make the scissors movement.
TIP: Keep your abdomen active, your legs straight and don’t arch your back.
If you want to add more intensity, you can use resistance bands. In this post we explain the different types, so you can choose the ones that best suit your exercise routine.
Images via Spotebi